Able provide a skilled professional service to design and provide advice on Infrastructure systems. This service can be provided to end-users, developers or even consultants who do not have the necessary in-house expertise in some areas.
About the Service
In our experience, many infrastructure projects are specified by non-specialists who ‘copy and paste’ old designs. These designs do not necessarily incorporate the benefits of new products or have the facility to integrate with the latest technology. In the world of Infrastructure, a few years is equivalent to a complete generation.
As a designer and installer of a broad range of systems and with a commitment to understanding and applying the latest technology, Able is ideally suited to specify and design innovative, scalable and extendable systems using the latest products and techniques. The result is a system which properly fulfils the client’s needs and can be extended and scaled for new requirements.
Services include:
Able’s work is rigorously documented to the highest standards.
See Some of Our Designs
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