Technology Explained Articles
To help you make the most informed decision possible, we have written some articles explaining key components of infrastructure solutions. Explore our archive to find out more.
Copper Data Cabling
Cabling used to implement a structured cabling system is one of two types, copper or fibre. This article focuses on the copper cabling. This article is written for anybody who is trying to determine what cables will be most appropriate for their own project.
Topics Covered Include:
Components of Cabling, Cable Categories, Testing
Basics of TV Satellite Distribution
In a standard house, the distribution system might simply be a single coax cable connecting the TV aerial or Satellite dish on the roof to the TV outlet behind the TV set. In a residential block or large office, the distribution system will be a complex network of cables and RF amplifiers, splitters, switches and other equipment.
Topics Covered Include:
Network Design Planning
The past 30 years have seen remarkable growth in the size and reach of computer networks in the workplace; and more recently in the home. Technical innovation has driven this growth: improved standards have allowed faster speeds to pass along both copper and fibre cables, wireless networks have become ubiquitous, new devices with their own embedded network capabilities (the internet of things, IOT).
Topics Covered Include:
Security, Network Segmentation, Designing for Growth
Converged Networks Explained
In this article we’ll discuss how network convergence has affected building networks, and some of the potential gains and pitfalls of the higher levels of convergence. We shall look at the network at each level.
Topics Covered Include:
IT Convergence, Network Equipment, Physical Level
Designing a Digital CCTV System
CCTV surveillance has transformed over the last few years and the analogue system has been superseded by digital cameras. This article focuses on the factors necessary for designing a digital system. This is written for anybody who wants to understand more about designing a CCTV system.
Topics Covered Include:
Key Consideration Points, Camera Types, Picture Quality
Technology News